Delving into skincare, there's always something new and exciting, right? Just when you think you've mastered your routine, a groundbreaking innovation appears. Currently making waves in beauty are products fusing plant stem-cell technology with nano-technology precision. This blend harmonizes nature's wisdom with cutting-edge science to target skincare concerns effectively. Whether you're an enthusiast or just seeking better skincare, exploring these advancements could be your next move.


Nanomaterials are actives and other ingredients reduced to a few hundred nanometers of scale to increase their effectiveness. At the nanoscale, material properties become different. Nanoscale particles thus possess altered properties from their parent or larger-size counterparts in terms of color, structural integrity, transparency, solubility, and chemical reactivity.

These unique properties can be exploited for a variety of applications in skincare routine. Smaller nanoparticles, matching the biological structures of cells, in skin care formulations make active components readily absorbed onto the skin, influence cellular processes at their naturally existing scale, repair damage easily, and promote better and long-lasting product efficacies. Nanomaterials also improve the texture and appearance of skin care products by providing a smoother, more even application.

Nanoparticles also work as UV filters while still remaining transparent. Nanoparticles can provide a more even distribution of UV filters on the skin, helping to ensure that the skin is protected from UV exposure. By providing a consistent level of protection, nanoparticles can help to reduce the risk of skin damage and reduce the risk of skin cancer.

Nanomaterials possess a larger surface area to mass or volume ratio compared with larger-sized particles. One of two particles with equal volume is said to have a larger surface-to-volume ratio if it has more numbers of molecules or atoms present on the surface of the particle than the other.

When particles become smaller than the ideal light-dispersing size, visible light is transmitted and the particles appear transparent. Improved surface area also enhances the dispersibility and dissolution rate of key ingredients. A larger surface area of nanoscale materials also means more surface irregularities which promotes good adhesion due to a higher number of contact points. We use Liposomes and nano-emulsions in our skincare formulation.

Nano-sized materials, even those of high solid density, when in suspension, form well-dispersed systems that do not settle easily. This implies that nanoscale ingredients in products will stay suspended longer than their micro-scale counterpart. This property confers on such nano-sized skin preparations a measure of stability, and longer shelf life as it will take longer for features of instability such as creaming, and cracking to be noticed or occur.

Liposomes can trap key skincare ingredients releasing their contents at designated targeted spots. Hence even poorly soluble cosmetic ingredients can be delivered in this form. Liposomes are to encapsulate vitamins delivered to refresh skin epidermis. When delivered as liposomes, Vitamins A, E and carotenoids have improved stability.


Aging of the skin is a complex process involving all layers of the epidermis and dermis, comprising denaturing proteins and reduced functioning of regenerative stem cells. Free radicals are considered to be the most active compounds in skin aging. They damage DNA and assist in dehydrogenation, hydroxylation, and protein glycation. Radicals also damage the lipids in the stratum corneum (the outermost layer of the epidermis). Consequently, tissue loses its elasticity and capacity to regulate trans-epidermal water loss and cell replication becomes less efficient. Therefore, antioxidants are important raw materials for anti-aging formulations.

Ayurveda and ancient Chinese Medical science have proposed plants as a mainstay for the treatment of chronic ailments, acute inflammation, and healing. Plant stem cells are natural sources of substances such as vitamins E and C, carotenoids, or polyphenols, peptides, flavonoids etc. which neutralise free radicals. Plant stem cells stimulate fibroblasts to synthesise collagen, which, in turn, stimulates skin regeneration. This helps in reducing fine lines and wrinkles, improving skin tone and texture thus giving a younger, better looking skin. Plant cells also help in increasing the flexibility of the epidermis, rebuilding damaged epidermis (top layer of skin), activating DNA repair of the cells, protecting cells from oxidative stress, and protecting against UV radiation.

Plant stem cells after being reduced to nanoparticle sizes, repair skin on a cellular level by delivering reparative agents and moisture to intended spots effectively. Thus, a combination of stem cells and nanotechnology cells provide a high concentration of beneficial skin-friendly ingredients safely. Plant stem cells are mild and will not irritate. Usage is safe for even the most sensitive of skin. No serious side effects are caused by the plant stem cells.

The characteristic features of stem cells are self-renewal and the ability to create differentiated cells. Plants use stem cells to create almost every other type of cell, including more stem cells. That is why stem cells are also called ‘master cells’ that are responsible for the continuous growth of the plant body. Plant stem cells do not undergo the process of aging and senescence, they undergo differentiation to form specialized and unspecialized cells.

As skincare ingredients, plant stem cells are reproduced in cell culture with a micropropagation method which contains specific metabolites. These plant stem cells are encapsulated in various carrier systems (nanoparticles such as liposomes) for better topical delivery as a skin care product.

By growing these stem cells selectively, the yield of certain compounds in plants can be increased. This also helps in reducing the waste that is otherwise produced when extracts are obtained and stem cells are not used. Stem cell acquisition is environmentally friendly and possible even in the case of hard-to-reach or endangered plants, without causing interference and disturbance in their natural habitat. It also ensures consumer safety as no herbicides, pesticides or heavy metals are used in harvesting of plant material. Also, stem cell formulations are eco-friendly as very little water is used for culture.

Many of the stem cells are grown in-house under our direct observation. We use stem cells grown from various plants such as ginger, carrot, turmeric, etc. in our skincare formulations. Glycerin extract present in ginger stem cells has excellent anti-aging properties. These stem cells also help in increasing the synthesis of elastin and fibers and a reduction of the sebum production rate. Turmeric stem cells are a great source of antioxidant compounds and curcumin.

One of the most important agents which give anti-aging properties to plant stem cell extracts is kinetin (6-furfuryl adeninethat). This compound is a strong antioxidant which protects protein and nucleic acids from oxidation and glycoxidation processes. It enables cells to remove the excess of free radicals to protect them from oxidative stress. The anti-aging effect of kinetin was also confirmed for the skin endothelium cells.